What Paperwork Do You Bring To Your First Olive Garden Interview

Congratulations on getting an Olive Garden Interview.
We all know interviews are stressful and the competition is fierce.
However, with a small bit of preparation, you can ace the Olive Garden Interview.
Here you will find how to successfully answer frequently asked Olive Garden Job Interview Questions and Answers.
Please note these are practice questions and we cannot guarantee specific questions asked on your interview.
Please note these are practice interview questions and we are not affiliated with the company mentioned in this post.
Olive Garden Interview Questions and Answers
1. Tell us about yourself?
- It's okay to talk about your hobbies and interests but keep it brief. Try and focus on related work experience. Remember having related work experience will put you ahead of the competition.
2. What can you tell us about Olive Garden?
- Olive Garden is known for its freshly made Italian food.
- They offer soups, salads, grilled sandwiches, flatbread, pizzas, seafood, pasta, and desserts.
- They also offer a gluten-free, lighter Italian Fare (healthy menu), and a children's menu.
- Customers are able to purchase Olive Garden salad dressing at their restaurants.
- They sell gift cards, and they offer the ability to order take-out online.
- Olive Gardens parent restaurant is Darden Restaurants.
- Check out 5 stunning stats about Oliver Garden
3. Why do you want to work at Olive Garden?
- Say you would like to work in a fast-paced environment.
- Mention you love the product and the service you get, and because of this, you would be proud to represent them.
- Say with Oliver Garden being a very successful restaurant you feel you can really learn a lot about the restaurant business.
4. What is your greatest strength?
This question is an invitation to explain why you are the best-qualified candidate for this job!
The answer should be broken down into three parts
- The Strength – state the strength
- Proof of the strength – an example of how you have used this strength.
- The strength's relevance to THIS job.
5. What is your greatest weakness?
- You should not deny you have a weakness or state strengths as a weakness (I am a perfectionist, or I work too hard and neglect my friends and family). State a weakness that is required for the role but not a dealbreaker if you don't have it.
- When you state your weakness make sure you say what you are doing to overcome that weakness. For example, I have a fear of public speaking and I have enrolled in a public speaking class to overcome my fear.
6. How would you deal with an upset customer?
- Listen and let the customer vent.
- Show the customer you care.
- Don't blame the customer or the company.
- Try to solve the problem or find someone who can.
- Don't make promises you can't keep.
- Finally, it is important not to take it personally. If you get upset you will take it on future customers.

7. Where do you see yourself in five years?
- If going to college or university state what you would like to be doing after you finish. If possible, say how your education goals both benefit your study and Olive Garden. For example, if you are going to cooking school you can apply what you learn at school to Olive Garden and also learn from real-world experience.
- Have a look at other Olive Garden jobs and find a position you can see yourself doing in five years. This will make you sound like a good long-term fit for the business.
8. Why should Olive Garden hire you?
- Have a second read of the job description and find the key skills they are looking for and match those skills to your own.
- Attention to detail, the ability to work under pressure, teamwork, and communication are all great skills for any position in a restaurant.
9. What hours can you work?
- The more flexible you are with your hours, the better chance you have of getting hired, so be flexible!
- If possible, let the interviewer know that you can work on weekends and/or holidays.
10. What motivates you?
- Meeting deadlines, targets, or goals
- Mentoring and coaching others
- Learning new things
- Coming up with creative ideas to improve something, or make something new
- Working well as part of a team
- Finding a way to solve a problem, or overcome a challenge
- Money
- Employee Discounts
11. If you could be one animal what would it be?
When you state what animal you would be, make sure to state why.
Possible Answers are
- Dogs to demonstrate loyalty.
- Ants are hard workers and team players.
- Dolphins are smart.
- Elephants are strong.
- Gorilla is gentle but powerful, a good parent, and a good leader.
12. Why should we hire you?
- Have a second read of the job description and find the skills and experience required for the position.
- Next match the skills required for the job to your own skillset.
- Finally, reassure the interviewer you have the right skills.
13. Why is there a gap in your resume?
- Honesty is the best approach when answering this question. Being honest about your situation gives the employer a sense of your integrity and confidence.
14. Why did you leave your last job?
Let's first discuss what not to say!
- Do not say anything negative about your previous employer
- Do not say for money.
- The commute was too long.
"I enjoyed my time at my last job, however, I have outgrown my current role and I am looking for new challenges."
15. How did you find this job?
- Interviewers ask this question because they want to hire someone who is being specific in their job hunt.
- Basically, employers want to hire someone who knows what they want. Therefore, state you have been actively monitoring jobs on the company's website and you are happy to get the interview.
- Note you have to be honest when answering this question as they may already know how you applied for this position.
16. How do you feel about standing for long periods of time?
- Most jobs in restaurants will require you to work on your feet for long periods of time. If possible tell the interviewer you do not have a problem with this. Try to wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes with a low heel, maintain good posture, and stay hydrated.

17. How would you define excellent customer service?
- The customer is not waiting long for their order.
- Customers receive friendly service.
- The restaurant is clean both inside and outside.
- The product is made to order.
18. How was your attendance in your last job?
- Honesty is your best approach when answering this question as the interviewer may check your references.
- Emphasize that you understand the importance of starting your shift on time.
19. Questions to ask on an Olive Garden Interview?
- What do you like best about working here?
- How would you describe your ideal candidate for this position?
- What about this position is the most important?
- How would you measure my success and what could I do to succeed in your expectations?
- Which part of the position has the steepest learning curve? What can I do in order to get up to speed quickly?
- What opportunities will I have to learn and grow?
Olive Garden Interview Tips
- Arrive five minutes early to the interview.
- Don't speak too fast as you will sound nervous.
- Don't speak too slow as you will sound boring.
- Have good body posture as it will prevent you from mumbling.
- Turn off your smartphone.
- Learn as much as you can about Olive Garden before the interview.
Olive Garden Interview Attire
- Dress business casual or formal and remember you want to look like someone who can serve food. To look like you can serve food you need to wear your hair back, hide any tattoos, wear a minimal amount of jewelry, and trim your facial hair.
See Also:
- Olive Garden Hostess Interview Questions
- Bartender Interview at Olive Garden
- Interview Clothes for her – Affiliate
- Interview Clothes for him – Affiliate
What Paperwork Do You Bring To Your First Olive Garden Interview
Source: https://worknearyou.net/olive-garden-interview/
Posted by: jacobssquill1950.blogspot.com
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