Respository of global unofficial Xbox community fansites, services, and resources
Microsoft has a localization problem, with some regions (namely English-speaking regions) enjoying meliorate support than others. Nosotros've written previously about the issue to endeavour and bring attention to the problems, merely it's ultimately on Microsoft to begin to make improvements. Despite the issues, Xbox enjoys passionate fans all over the world, and many regions accept vibrant community sites in diverse languages full of news, reviews, and other resources.
We're starting to collect links to all the major communities in every language as and when nosotros find them. Take a look at our growing listing below.
If you would like your Xbox site, forum, or community grouping listed here, please contact me!
Note: Windows Central accepts no responsibility for content hosted on external sites or social networks listed below.
Arabic Xbox resources
- XboxAR is an Xbox site for Standard arabic users, serving news, reviews, complete with a community forum.
- XboxArabs is some other Xbox site in Arabic, with the latest news and other region-specific info.
Belgium Xbox resource
- Xbox Gamers Belgium is the largest Belgian (Dutch-speaking) Facebook grouping for Xbox fans, run by the team at
Brazil Xbox resources
- PXB is i of the largest Xbox discussion forums for Brazilian Xbox fans.
Red china Xbox resource
- XboxFan is an Xbox site with reviews and news for Chinese fans.
French republic Xbox resources
- XboxSquad is a French Xbox site featuring news and reviews, which also rates games based on their accessibility features.
- Xboxygen is ane of the bigger Xbox sites in Europe, and a leading French resources of all-things Xbox.
- XCast is a French-language Xbox podcast.
- is a French Halo community site, with a wiki, news coverage, and more than.
Germany Xbox resources
- InsideXbox is a High german Xbox blog full of news, reviews, and a sizable Facebook Grouping for socializing.
- XboxDynasty is a large German Xbox blog full of news, reviews, and other German gaming resource.
- Xbox Seniors is an Instagram community for German Xbox fans.
- Xbox Media is a German community site with news, reviews, and other info for Xbox fans in the country.
Hellenic republic Xbox resources
- Xbox365 is an Xbox news and reviews site for fans in Hellenic republic.
Hungary Xbox resources
- has a forum defended to Hungarian Xbox users.
Italy Xbox resources
- MondoXbox is a passionate Xbox blog geared towards Italian readers.
- ProjectXbox is an Italian fansite with all the latest news, game reviews, and interviews for Italian audiences.
- Xbox Series X Italy is a small, but growing Facebook grouping dedicated to Xbox Series X content.
Portugal Xbox resources
- XboxPTDummies is a Portuguese Xbox community offering news, reviews, and region-specific info on Xbox Game Pass and other Xbox services.
- Body of water of Thieves Portugal is a Facebook grouping dedicated to Sea of Thieves players in the region.
- Forza Horizon Portugal is a Forza Facebook customs-based in Portugal.
- PUBG Xbox Portugal is a PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Xbox group for fans in Portugal.
- Xbox Portugal is an unofficial Xbox community group on Facebook.
Japan Xbox resources
- is a Japanese Xbox community website offering news and info for the modest, but passionate Xbox community.
- Hakowan Local Information Bureau catalogs Xbox games that are localized for Japanese Xbox fans.
Netherlands Xbox resources
- XboxNederland is a Dutch Xbox blog site covering the platform for Netherlands Xbox fans.
- XboxNederland is a popular Dutch Facebook group of the same proper noun for Xbox fans.
Romania Xbox resource
- XboxRomania is a community site for Romanian Xbox fans, with news, reviews, and other resources.
Russian federation Xbox resources
- NewXboxOne is a Russia-based weblog focusing on the latest Xbox news.
- XboxUnion is some other Xbox blog for Russian fans with news, reviews, and deals.
- Xbox Customs is a VK community group for Russian Xbox fans.
Serbia Xbox resources
- Xboxrepublika is an Xbox site with news, reviews, and other data for Xbox fans in Serbia.
Espana Xbox resource
- Generación Xbox is a big Spanish language Xbox site with news, reviews, editorials, and other features.
- SomosXbox is a Spanish Xbox site with news and game reviews for Xbox fans based in Kingdom of spain.
- ComunidadXbox is some other Castilian Xbox blog site full of news and info for Spanish gamers.
Southward Africa resources
- XboxPlayersSA is an Xbox customs for S African gamers.
South Korea resources
- Korean Xbox Games (Google Docs) collects and catalogs Xbox games localized for Korean users.
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An internet connection will before long exist required when setting upwardly Windows eleven Pro
Microsoft has announced that later this year, users will be required to connect to the internet and sign-in with a Microsoft Business relationship during the out of box setup experience on Windows 11 Pro. Microsoft has already been enforcing this requirement on Windows eleven Home since launch last Oct, and Windows eleven Pro is at present expected to follow suit soon.

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